The Philippines’ socio-cultural economic life mirrors that of a third world. The accelerated movement of the world and a competitive society make the poor poorer, and the rich richer. The gap between these two classes of people creates a tension which emerges a “new poor” in the society. These “new poor” are the “voiceless,” the jobless, the political refugees and the despised minorities
The CARMELITE MISSIONARIES was confronted with the situations of the society that time but prayerfully and faithfully accepted the challenge as a call to search for a new means of evangelization that can penetrate the core of the personhood of the poor Filipinos. Discernment led them to a social project initiated by Sr. Natividad Fernandez, CM, that envisioned to alleviate the poverty, hunger and sickness of the poor and underprivileged particularly the out-of-school youths of Iloilo, Philippines by creating job opportunities. In addition, the abundant supply of bamboo in Iloilo offered a great resource for the production of different products. Thus, the CARMELITE MISSIONARIES BAMBOOCRAFT CENTER (CMBC) was born.
The Center started in an old building just enough to shelter the workers. On April 30, 1974, the program was officially launched with the joint effort of the then, Bishops Businessmen Conference of Iloilo (BBCI.) Donations in cash and in forms of machineries and tools were gradually received from different private sectors in the Philippines. Likewise, donations came from foreign funding agencies such as in Spain, Germany and Japan. These countries have been the export points of the bamboocraft articles. Thus, the job orders increased and the working capacity of the youth enhanced. The project welcomes all the needy with minimum skills in bamboocraft including the disabled who worked in their own pace. Eventually, a branch was opened in Metro Manila to serve its growing clients. It also offers scholarship programs for its staff as well as formation programs like retreats, recollection, catechesis, sharing of the Word of God, praying the rosary and others. A number of its workers have eventually finished their college degrees and improved their lives.
CMBC existed for forty-seven years and has endured many challenges in marketing, production and management. It became known for its wide variety of products ranging from religious articles, household and novelty items. It has created a favorable brand image given that it is handled a by a religious institution and had taken initiatives to help alleviate poverty in society. However, the recent reality of the bamboo industry… lowering demands in bamboocraft products and high competition from foreign sources offering lower prices has given CMBC a big jolt and endangered its sustainability. It was aggravated by the surge of the Covid pandemic which lead to its temporary closure on May 2022.
Although confronted and greatly challenged with another reality, the CARMELITE MISSIONARIES cannot forgo this mission of providing job opportunities to the poor and offering formation programs for their upliftment and development. Thus, the mission continues. On July 16, 2023, on the occasion of the feast day of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, CMBC reopened with a new name, the CARMELITE MISSIONARIES HANDICRAFTS AND PASTORAL CENTER (CMHPC.) This time, it will make available diversified products for a wider market which will still include bamboo but with other handicrafts. It also intends to offer counselling and continue its scholarship programs, organize seminars and workshops for livelihood and other related pastoral activities.
On May 1, 2024, it celebrated its golden jubilee with the theme, “Pagkilitaay, Paghugpong Kag Pagbinuligay” It was a day of joy and thanksgiving for all the blessings of the Lord for fifty years manifested in the experiences of the persons who were once a part of this endeavor as well as those who up to this day continue to be part of this mission. Padayon CMHPC!

CARMELITE MISSIONARIES HANDICRAFTS AND PASTORAL CENTER (CMHPC) MISSION STATEMENT The Carmelite Missionaries Handicrafts and Pastoral Center (CMHPC) is committed to the improvement of the quality of life of the poor and marginalized, through alternative livelihood opportunities and integral formation toward socio-economic and spiritual transformation. VISION STATEMENTThe Carmelite Missionaries Handicrafts and Pastoral Center (CMHPC) is the Philippines´ leading social enterprise for the integral development of the poor and marginalized engaged in producing religious novelty handicrafts and other livelihood activities.CMHPC also embraces the CM core values:
- Love
- Prayer
- Service
- Communion