Since 1860, the Carmelite Missionaries bloomed with local foundations in Spain, particularly in the Balearic Islands and the Region of Cataluña and Aragon.

They fundamentally combined the heritage of Teresian Carmel as it was lived and handed on by Fr. Francisco Palau, OCD, and his new charismatic and ecclesial experiences.



The Order of Carmel traced its history back to the 13th century.  It drew its inspiration from the contemplative and prophetic zeal of St. Elijah and the sisterly love and protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The first members consecrated their lives to God, calling themselves the Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.  From its birth in Mount Carmel, the Order bore witness to the great souls that lived in its sap and enriched it with their contributions.  Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint John of the Cross were the most prominent, whose lives redefined Carmel and gave it a new branch, the Order of the Discalced Carmelites (OCD).


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