A gift from the heart
Carmelite Missionaries Philanthropic
Development Office (CM-PDO)
Help enable the CM-PDO to perform charity work and relief drives, care for the sick and elderly, engage in scholarship programs, youth ministry, organize events, and so on.
Fr. Francisco Palau Foundation, Inc.
Honoring Fr. Francisco Palau, the Fr. Francsico Palau Foundation stays true to his beliefs and dedicates their work to helping the less fortunate, by means of scholarship and feeding programs.
Frequently Asked Questions


To donate through bank transfer or e-wallets, simply select one of the three online donation forms above, and click the ‘Donate’ button, then follow the steps to donate to your chosen cause.

For donations in kind, or physical donations, such as cheques or relief goods, kindly send your donation to the address listed above at “Donations in Kind”, as well as attach a note mentioning the cause you wish your donation to go to.

However much you want! Your help enables us to help those in need, and to keep the Mission alive. 

(*We would like to urge all donors not to put themselves at financial risk when donating. The Lord will always know of your kind intentions.)

The Fr. Francisco Palau Foundation Inc. (FFPFI)  works with scholarship programs, as well as feeding and relief programs;

Supporting the Carmelite Missionaries directly would aid the order in its daily activities and necessities;

And finally, choosing to support the Carmelite Missionaries Philanthropic Development would better enable them to carry out charity work, relief programs, scholarship programs, youth guidance, as well as care for the sick and elderly, among other missions.

Of course! For Fr. Francisco Palau Foundation (FFPFI) and Carmelite Missionaries Philanthropic (CM-PDO), just check the boxes in the donation that specifies which causes you want your monetary donations to go to, or for physical donations (such as relief goods or cheques) kindly send your donation to the address above, with a note that says which cause you are donating to.

Banks and e-wallets may take a fee out of the total donation, as additional fees may apply. Rest assured, we will not ask for any more than what you, the donor, have chosen to give. Any amount will never go unappreciated.