Feast Day of St. John of the Cross: December 14
O my loving Father, St. John of the Cross, obtain for me the grace of perfect abandonment to the holy will of God, that placing all my joy and hope in the Passion of my Savior, I may at last rest eternally with you in His glory. Obtain for me also the special grace I ask during this novena if it be for the glory of God and for my salvation.
(Please state your prayer intentions...)
Great St. John of the Cross, model of patience and heroic generosity, who for the glory of God and for the propagation of the holy reform of Carmel, endured so many trials, and undertook such heavy labors, finding, as did St. Paul, your joy in opprobrium, obtain from our Lord for me the grace of unalterable patience in adversity, that I may thereby glorify God, cleanse my soul of every stain, advance in the practice of solid virtue and obtain at last the crown promised to those who suffer for the love of God.